
Pink Estetics

Pink Estetics

Aesthetics alone a smile, white, regular teeth, this is not compatible with teeth and gums possible. Aesthetic gum pink aesthetic applications name. `Health of the gums, dental aesthetics complements the color and level of ‘eye-catching, with a smile, clean teeth and pinkgums to ensure compliance is to provide the first step. Healthy gum light pink in color, has stuck firmly to teeth and bone, similar to the bright orange shell, but the rough is a view.


Growth in gum and in areas with deep pockets is the process of removing gums cut. Then, to correct the contours of the gums, gums assured of receiving a form of physiological and aesthetic.


Covered with too much gum tissue when the teeth on the length of the teeth in the mouth may appear too short. This “gummy smile” is called a bad influence and aesthetics. Asymmetrical gums or gums that appear excessive levels can be corrected with a little operation called “ Gingivoplasti.

Gums with a local anesthetic to the patient without feeling sick, nothing can be done the necessary arrangements. If you need to be applied after the full porcelain with Zirconium porcelain laminate or metal support can be obtained aesthetic results beyond expectations.


Regenerative processes in periodontal support tissues of the body due to sickness, devastated again in order to establish his own production mechanisms are stimulated. Where appropriate, disease-affected tissues by removing the membrane, using bone grafts or tissue stimulating proteins in the formation of new support structures are provided.
Soft Tissue Graft
Gums resulting from the root surfaces are exposed. This situation leads to prolongation of pinkthe appearance of teeth, exposed root surfaces are susceptible to hot and cold food and drinks.
Vigorous tooth brushing habits (nail biting, pencil biting, etc), Dentures, orthodontic appliances, such as aging and periodontal disease to withdraw from gums may occur due to various reasons.

Phase of treatment, primarily by determining the causes that cause the disease should be taken under control or eliminated if possible. Root surfaces, or is taken off due to soft tissue geftleri lost gum tissue in order to increase the applied. This practice also reduces the risk of gingival recession and bone loss. The exposed root surface caries in this region prevents the formation of the closure and helps to correct the aesthetics.

Soft tissue grafts from another donor practices palate of the mouth area or region of the gum tissue from the ‘graft’ is used as.
Crown lengthening Tissue loss has occurred over the teeth, crown lengthening surgery in teeth with decay extends below the gum more gum tissue under the bone removed and re-shaping the teeth appear longer than increased conservatism is provided so that the restoration will be implemented.

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